
Thursday, 1 September 2011

Free HTML, XHTML, DHTML Ebooks Download

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is markup language used in web pages. HTML describes text, image, links and file downloads etc in a web page. It is thus provides the appearance of a web page. HTML also support embedded scripting language such JavaScript and VB Script for some applications in web browser at client side. HTML versions are HTML 2.0, HTML 3.0, HTML 3.2, HTML 4.0, HTML 4.01 and todays final version HTML 5 is in development.
XHTML is another markup language based on HTML 4.01 with addition of XML. Various XHTML versions are XHTML 1.0, XHTML 1.1, XHTML 2.0 and todays final version XHTML 5.0 is in development. We can say HTML is an application of SGML and XHTML is that of XML. Today in web developments, XHTML is adopting very quickly. Various other versions of XHTML are also there for mobile devices and for voice and visual interactions . They are XHTML Basic, XHTML Mobile Profile, XHTML + Voice, etc.
DHTML (Dynamic HTML) is a combination of HTML, Scripting Language, Cascade Style Sheets (CSS), Document Object Model, etc. This DHTML is developed to create animated and interactive websites.
In this posting i wish to provide you free HTML, XHTML and DHTML Ebooks which will help you to get familiarize with HTML, XHTML and DHTML coding. These free ebooks will teach you how to use XHTML and CSS, how to insert Flash into XHTML, provides you with various coding examples, etc.
Following are the free HTML, XHTML and DHTML ebooks download links. Visit these links and master in web development with HTML, XHTML and DHTML.
  1. HTML Ebook Collection View/Download
  2. HTML Code Tutorial View/Download
  3. HTML and DHTML Reference View/Download
  4. Using HTML 4 View/Download
  5. HTML and CSS Tutorials and Stuff View/Download
  6. HTML and XHTML: The Definitive Guide View/Download
  7. Introduction to Dynamic HTML View/Download
  8. Beginners Guide to DHTML View/Download
  9. XForms Essentials View/Download
  10. Introduction to XForms, Part 1 : The new Web Standard for Forms View/Download
  11. Introduction to Web Design View/Download
  12. XHTML 1.1 Reference View/Download
  13. HTML and Dynamic HTML View/Download
  14. Writing HTML View/Download
  15. Gecko DOM Reference View/Download
  16. HTML Tutorial View/Download
  17. HTML Tutor View/Download
  18. Hyper Text Markup Language: HTML View/Download
  19. HTML Tutorial Ver 0.8.2 View/Download
  20. HTML Coding View/Download
  21. How to correctly insert Flash into XHTML View/Download
  22. Using HTML Second Edition View/Download
  23. Web Publishing with HTML View/Download
  24. Using HTML 3.2, Java 1.1, and CGI View/Download
  25. Introduction HTML View/Download
  26. HTML by Examples View/Download
  27. How to Use HTML 3.2 View/Download
  28. HTML 3.2 and CGI Unleashed View/Download
sr – hbjc


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